
Fiber-Tech is a division of Auto-Chlor Services, LLC. specializing in laundry cleaning compounds specifically designed for the hospitality, healthcare and commercial/shirt laundries. Additionally, Fiber-Tech is a leader in developing wetwashing products and equipment as a suitable alternative to dry cleaning. The founder of Fiber-Tech, Marion Giammerse, is a foremost authority in wetwashing/wetcleaning technology. Fiber-Tech has perfected an outstanding liquid product line to meet the needs of the latest in wetwashing/wetcleaning technology. Fiber-Tech manufactures and carries a complete line of liquids, powders, starches, sizings, and spotters to meet every cleaning application. Advanced technology includes enzyme product and wet clean product development. All Fiber-Tech products are proven to be extremely effective and carry the various approvals mandated by the Federal government and the industry.

Please contact our sales department : (800) 299-2166 or email for more information.